The Romancing of Paradise
Blue, greens, whites, and yellows
greet my eyes with morning hellos.
Twinkling windows wink in my sight
as I lay my head down at night.
The rush of traffic my lullaby
and on my horizon, the limit’s the sky.
Morning warmth wraps me up tight,
holds me in the rays of light
as I feel the sun’s energy course through me.
I run past the swaying palm tree –
standing like a centurion –
the rows of trees my own giant guards in green neon.
After work, the rocking of waves the motion
that calms my emotion.
I sit on my board and watch the surf rolling in,
or just strike out in it for a swim.
This salt upon my tongue
tastes like the song the shells sung when I was young,
only now it’s my reality.
My backyard is truly the sea,
my landscape the palms and plumeria
reminding me, “Keep dreaming, I dare ya!”
The roar of the waves,
the smell of the tropical leis,
the feel of flying over water on my board,
All propels me to its Maker – my Lord.
He loves me enough to paint color across the sky
And kiss me with sun as on the sand I lie.
He graces my neck with flowers
and lets me view diamonds glittering across the ocean at all hours.
He loves me so to fill my senses
with sights and feelings that strip my defenses.
He took what seemed in my life like loose seems
And stitched them together in themes
to bring to reality my dreams –
all the bright color now coming forth – in pictures of this Island it streams.
Here I wake in paradise each day,
Listening for what my Love – Jesus – has to say…
His song the crash of the waters,
His dance over me the sway of the palm-fodders,
And His touch the heat on my skin
as the sun reaches me from the outside in.
Each day is Jesus’ love letter written in creation,
How can I not live in elation?
Thanking God each day for this chance
to dance in the reality of His nature’s romance!
© Krindee Joy, Dec. 2010. Inspired by the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands, which speak
to me of the beauty of my Creator God’s passionate love!