I have no theme. I have no idea, in fact, what I'm about to write. I just know I need to write. I know that Jesus is stirring the hearts of Christians right now. This is a season of harvest for prayers sown, months ago, years ago...for some, even twelve, fifteen years ago!
For weeks now, I've been feeling this growing inside of my soul - a movement of sorts. AND, for these weeks, I've been sicker than I've been for probably a good 2 years. I've been barely able to get up in the morning, or run more than 3 to 4 miles in a row (if you know me, you know both of these are a big deal!). When the Spirit is moving, and the enemy is moving in equal force against the Spirit to distract and discourage - I know SOMETHING is happening.
Now I know WHAT. Well, not exactly "what," because if God spelled everything out every time, life would be so boring! That's the adventure of it - the discovery. Back to the topic - so on my run this morning I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Judah Smith about looking around you and seeing the harvest. About being ready to catch the fruit ripe and ready to fall off the tree. And it hit me - this stirring, this movement, this is the harvest hour for Christians for MANY of there prayers. Something is changing. And we can no longer be passive about life; no longer is it a season where we look and praise God for the past, or wait for the future in expectancy - God is moving TODAY. He has blessings and hearts for you to reap TODAY.
Let me just take some examples from my life in the past week...
I have a friend who's been coming to church with me. He hadn't stepped foot in the doors of a sanctuary for two years. In fact, he refused to for the longest time. Then, he decided I was "safe" to go with. Now, he's excited every Sunday to go. Last Sunday, he raised his hand for salvation and pretty much every alter call they made that night. That was the LAST thing I thought was going to happen last Sunday night. Let's just say my friends amazing, and my friend lives a lifestyle I never though would cause him to hunger for God more. I don't know what to expect in the future, but I know I've been praying for this friend for 6 months.
I have another friend I've been praying for...it's probably been a good 8 months now. Today, she's making a big, brave decision. I'm going to help her right now. IT'S TIME! And I'm so excited, because each prayer sown by myself and so many others has lead up to this. The thing is, this moment of harvest is only going to branch out to plant seed so many other areas, because I KNOW she is called to be a seed planter, but this is her first step.
Tonight, I'm having a conversation with another friend. It could change the course ing?of her life and possibly the life of another. It remains to be seen. But it's been a long time coming - probably close to a year of prayers. Whatever happens, it's yet another time to go into the field of prayers and allow God to do the work.
Finally, in a little over the week, I'm meeting with someone. I've been praying about this for 6 month...possibly much longer than 6 months. Those prayers are about to reach the moment of seeing the result, whatever it may be.
This is why I say, it is the season of harvest. And it's not just me. Look around you, where is God moving? What do you see about to change or changing that hasn't budged in so long? If you see nothing, look about you! Someone is ready. Something is growing. Somewhere there's a field God wants you to go into and be ready to do as He says. I don't just say this, I KNOW it! I know this season is one for the Christians to live in the moment.
Not the past miracles God's done.
Not the future promises He's told us.
there's a friend waiting to come home to Jesus,
there's a friend ready to step into her destiny,
there's a prayer waiting to no longer be just a prayer, but to turn into an answer.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send workers into His field." Matthew 9:37-8
Don't be just the asker, be the ANSWER!