Saturday, September 3, 2011

Coffee Times, Episode 1

Time to roll out of bed.
Straight to the coffee pot - switch to on.  Light the candles.  Start the worship music.  Drink a lot of water.

This is my coffee time with Jesus, where we spend time together process life and learning.
And learning I am (that was an awkward sentence...just saying).  So, I decided to begin a series called "Coffee Times," to record a few of the things God teaches me while the world is still dark and the mass still sleeps.

Episode 1, we're going to talk about COMFORT and FAITH.

Uncomfortable Comfort:
Sometimes to receive comfort, you must become uncomfortable.  For example, in my life right now, I need to hear from Jesus more than ever.  I know that in the coming months, there's so much to do:  from finishing my book, to moving, to possibly starting a new job and getting further education, and being open to, well, opening up my heart.  All of this requires the comfort of KNOWING God's heart, and knowing I'm following His guidance.  Which is why my alarm now goes off at 5am.  I had to be willing to be uncomfortable to receive the comfort of drawing close to Him.  Sure, by 8pm I'm tired - since it means I've been up 15 hours straight, and yet I feel as if I have more energy than ever because I feel Jesus by my side throughout the day.  By sacrificing the comfort of an extra hour or two of sleep, I receive an even better comfort!  The trade off is worth it!  Even when I want to throw my phone across the room at it's "BEEP BEEP BEEP" in the morning, I don't! haha!  But I'm not some saint, just so you know.  With this new thing God's asking of me, coffee is the lifeblood!  Ok, I'm derailing.  The point being, the best things in life often come from the greatest places of pain, discomfort, and upheaval.  After all, our Salvation and ability to have a relationship with God came out of Him going through the extreme discomfort of the CROSS.  The church was established in discomfort - with constant persecution and the threat of death.  To receive comfort or connection with anyone, we must become uncomfortable for a time by bearing our heart and vulnerability.  And, for the presence of God and the guidance of His hand throughout our entire day, we must be willing to do the uncomfortable if God asks us!
    As an oh-so-wise friend of mine put it - "You could spend your whole life reaching for the box of glazed donuts, because you always have and it's safe, or you could go for something a little wild.  Sometimes you just gotta take risks and try something new.  Sometimes you gotta reach for a different donut and see what happens" (thanks for the revelation, John!).  Anotherwards, we could stick with the same thing we've always known and remain safe, or we could step into the discomfort of the unknown, because that's the only way our life is going to explode with new FLAVOR and ZEST!  Oh the profoundness of a box of processed sugar!  Ha!  But, in sticking with the metaphor, God may be asking you to try a new box of donuts because in that risk and discomfort that change brings, there's a whole new level of sweetness and flavor He desires to bring to your life with His presence and plan!  So - don't go for the comfort of the glazed!

Faith Unfailing:
Right now, in my Coffee Times with Jesus, I'm reading Acts and Genesis simultaneously.  For example, today I read Acts 14, thus I read Genesis 14.  It's interesting to contrast the beginning of mankind to the beginning of the CHURCH.  One thing stands out to me as remaining the same - unchanging - and that is FAITH.  The people who had God's favor on their lives and whom God anointed were those with unfailing faith.  It didn't matter if it was in the time of Noah, or the time after Christ, faith was required to fulfill what God had for these individuals.  By faith, Abraham believed for a son past the age of it being possible, by faith Noah built the ark in spite the mocking, by faith the Apostles healed many, by faith Peter followed an angle out of prison and escaped, and by faith many preached despite being threatened and stoned!  There is a BOLD FAITH throughout the Bible where, no matter what the circumstance looks like, the individuals CHOOSE (because it IS a choice) to believe in God.
They choose to stand.
     They choose to worship.
          They choose to surrender there lives.
All because they have a faith that God is greater than the mockers, the impossible, and even greater than DEATH.  I want that kind of faith!  I want the faith that says, "oh my word!  This seems completely impossible, I'm deathly afraid, yet I KNOW God is greater so I'm going forward anyway."  This has become my time with God lately...I look at the insanity.  I look at pain.  I look at impossible odds.  I look at the things I don't understand.  And then I LOOK AT GOD; in His presence I see ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father" (John 14:13).
I choose the way of faith, because it's about Him anyways.  It's not about me.  And the way of faith is the only way to forget about yourself and release everything to the unfailing faithfulness and amazing plan of Jesus.

Coffee-Shop Closing
Alrighty.  Krinda's little coffee chat here is coming to an end.  I can feel the caffein in my bloodstream needing me to get up and MOVE.  However, I want to invite you to become uncomfortable for the comfort of God's presence - this spurs us to live by FAITH.  The more you talk with God and spend time with Him, the more you're willing to give up for Him, the more you just believe what He says.  Quick testimony on that:
Just this morning, I felt God was asking me to write today.  However, I had to work all day and wasn't sure how I was going to fit it in.  I released my work shift at 6am anyways, hoping by some miracle someone would be up early and want to work.  As I was waiting, God told me, "You won't have to work today."  In my heart, I just knew He was right.  And, an hour later, someone picked up the shift and now I'm free to write.

Yes, the more you surrender to Him, the more you listen for Him, the more you know His voice.  And then, you can't help but KNOW that He is in control and that His promises are going to come true.

So, go get your own cup of coffee and spend a little time learning from and listening to Jesus today.  Even if it means 5am!  Remember, coffee is the lifeblood (and that's TOTALLY from the Bible, ahaha - I hope you didn't believe me when I said that!).  YUP, caffein is speaking to GO live out these lessons!  Until the next,
"Beep, beep, beep..."
I'm signing out.

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