Yes, I'm in a relationship now. (Those of you who know me are like, "WHAT?! Finally!") And so this article I'm going to write about relationships again, but this time what God is teaching me through my relationship!
Having a Christ-centered relationships IS possible, and it's not rocket fact it's more practical then we make it out to be. It's about who's in control:
Is it God who directs the relationship?
Is it Him first, not some formula or religious conception of how things are "supposed" to work?
Sometimes we get so caught up in this idea of how a relationship is supposed to start, and a timeline for everything, that we forget to let God be the director! Think of it this way - God knows the script. He knows how things are supposed to play out in order to capture the most epic, cinematic feature for our life. He's the one behind the camera, after all, taking the shots and putting all the little scenes together to form one whole picture. He does not direct the same feature for every life, but each has a different plot-line - for He is a creative God and an ingenious director.
So, I ask again, WHO'S IN CONTROL? Sometimes we think He's in control, but really we're trying to frame all the shots with our idea of what's supposed to happen next. We act outside of His direction. We go off our own feelings. Instead, we need to stop trying to force things, and trust where the peace and direction of God leads. Because, "In his heart a man plans his course, but God directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9,NIV)."Of course, there's the balance because we DO have to implement proceeding forward, we must take steps for them to be directed and make choices. When God says "ACTION" it's up to us to "ACT." When He's in the directors chair, He does not jump in and play your scenes for you. Which is why it's so important to forget about our own agenda, and fall into HIS PLAN for the romantic genre of your life. It's not an excuse to be passive but instead proactive when He says "Action."
I asked above, is it God first, or a religious idea that governs your thoughts on relationships? I know for me, it's often been religious ideas or conceptions. But, with God as my director, each time I begin to act from some religious notion (which causes me to begin trying to control everything), He yells "CUT!" And I stop. I protest. He asks me, "Are you following my script, or someone else's?"
What exactly am I talking about here? I'm referencing the sheer overspiritualization that we often place upon dating. For example, the word "boyfriend" and "dating" was hard for me to use in reference to myself for the longest time. Like somehow they were "bad" because people in relationships which don't honor God also use those terms. They're just words!!!! But we do that in the church, don't we? "Dating" is taboo. Sometimes, even talking to someone of the opposite sex in church is cause for gossip. To even say hi to a girl in some Christian circles, a guy needs God to strike him with lightening; and for a girl to open up to a guy and even let him be a friend, she needs to have the promise of a ring or something right off. This is just weird, religious thinking. I know, because I've been there, I've read I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and I've researched all the pitfalls of dating, etc. But I also know that those negatives apply to the relationships that aren't completely directed by Christ. Yes, we need to have safeguards. Yes, we shouldn't necessarily be seriously dating if we're under, say 18 or 19 years old (where will it lead anyways?). And, yes, we should not ever ever ever take getting in a relationship lightly.
But, if you're in your 20s and you know you aren't made to be single forever, it's important to carefully consider your attitude towards dating and relationships. You'll know if you need to cut the religion if you have fear. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out all fear (NIV)," so if you're truly loving others, you're not going to be afraid of opening up and letting them into your life. I say this, because I KNOW. I know what it's like to be directed by fear (fear of what others would think, fear of being "perfect") instead of by God. I know what it's like to be afraid of guys. I know what it's like to be afraid of even talking to guys!
Maybe you're reading this and thinking I'm crazy, but I write it because I know that many Christians deal with these fears - this religion freezing up there ability to allow God to direct their romantic life. Because so much compromise and pain has come from dating, we often close off our hearts and RUN. We aren't willing to let Him be the one to open or close our hearts...because of...fear. But, God created man and woman. He created them to be in community. Together. So, I ask, why are we afraid? Why are we afraid of something God created and declared as good? What we're fearing is satan, and his twisting of relationships. So, I return once again to God as the director - if you KNOW He is the director of your life, and you've truly surrendered your heart to Him, then religion will not bind you in fear, but you'll be able to ACT when He says "Action."
To have a truly God-directed relationship takes intentionality. Ridding of religious misconceptions does not mean casting out wisdom. If we want God to truly direct the plot of a relationship, there's groundwork and safeguards that are required of us. These are some of those "no-brainer" acts that are standard for every Godly dating relationship.
- Set Boundaries, and Set them Early - In order to honor God in a relationship, you must remain pure. Your body is a dwelling place for the Spirit of God, and we are told to honor God therefore with it (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), which means to keep ourselves free of sexual immorality and impurity (Ephesians 5:3). If you're in a relationship, TALK about boundaries. Don't wait until you "need to" or until you make a mistake, but set up safeguards so you don't make the mistake. Be practical. Be understanding. Be real. God has given us a spirit of "self-discipline" (1 Timothy 1:7) so no matter your past, if you now have His spirit in control, you will have the discipline to honor God and each other in purity and respect.
- Make God a Priority Every Day - Set prayer as essential. Don't skip your devotions so you can hang out. Talk about what God's teaching you. Attend church together, worship together...just make God a priority, not an afterthought. Don't think that this "spiritual" part of your relationship will just "happen" or develop eventually. If you don't make it a pointed pursuit, it won't be a priority at all. Form the habit of putting God first while together and apart, and He will stay the director.
- Burst the Bubble - Don't isolate yourselves in a bubble where it's just you and your boyfriend/girlfriend shutting out the world. Pop the bubble of JUST THE TWO OF US and surround yourself with a community where you have friends, support and fellowship. Allow others to be in your life, and find the balance of growing together as a couple while also growing other friendships and reaching out to people. While you're together, look for opportunities to love on people as well. God brings two people together not only to teach them, but to reach others.
- ENJOY the Process and the Person - Thank God for each day for putting someone in your life. Enjoy the moments. Don't rush ahead. It amazes me how few people just simply enjoy the individual they're dating - compliment them, choose to support them, allow yourself to care and share. Stop worrying and wonder instead in the blessings! Once again, keep in His direction and revel as His grand geniuses unfolds!
For now, this is a wrap on God-directed dating. But, the thing about God, is unlike the movies or books, the plot never ends. His directing is seamless and eternal. If it is His plan to have someone in your life, whether that person is in your life for a short time or forever, the character will play a part in brining about God's ultimate plan for you! If you do things by His time and His say, you can't mess up His will and way.
We all love a good romance for a reason.
We were created to be a part of one.
Perhaps, your romance is with Jesus forever, but most likely it's just you and Him for a season. Are you open to God placing another actor in your scene and moving when He yells "ACTION"? The minute you think that your life is a wrap, that you have everything figured out, that nothing will ever change, that you're stuck, that your screen-play is just made to be boring, God starts a new take...and you hear the theme song of Never Ending Story in your life...
Your story is not over until the credits role.
And even then, comes the out-takes and special features - in heaven. The best is yet to come!
But for now, release and let the Director's "Action!" be your que in life and relationships.