Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Intimate Moment with Jesus...

"I'm here....
I wait here every day.
I wait for you to meet with me.
I'm waiting..."

And there He is, as I work away, waiting, and waiting, and waiting...So patient. He reaches out and touches my shoulder.

I shrug off the feeling of a little feather tickling my back. My head goes 90 miles an hour - what am I going to do next?  What do I have to accomplish today?  "God, what do you want me to do about this?"  "Where do you want me to move?"  "What do you want me to write?"  So many questions.  And I don't hear answers.  I don't listen...

"Krinda...."  So soft.  He calls me to STOP.
Be silent. 
Just be in My Presence.

I spend time with Him every morning, everyday.  But I forget I am SPENDING TIME WITH HIM.  I forget it's not just about me reading what He has to say to me in the Bible, or me speaking to Him.  He wants to talk back.  He wants to touch me where I need it.  When I'm not attentive to that though, all I feel is a little "irritant," because He's trying to probe a spot that's sore, that' I've covered up.  And I throw all these questions at Him, one after the next, after the next - until that's all I end up praying -  questions.  And then I ask Him, why can't I feel you?  Why can't I hear you?  He wants to answer that, but I have to LISTEN for that as well...

And He doesn't just speak, when I STOP, He shows me.  He shows me a picture:
There I am, typing away, paying bills, and cleaning.  I'm praying.  I'm talking.  But I'm looking at everything but Him.  For He's right there next to me, just waiting.  His arms are open for a hug, and His ears are ready to listen, His mouth ready to speak answers.  Instead of turning to face Him and receive, I keep about my business and mutter to the air.  
Then, I see a different picture:  I've turned to face Jesus.
And there we are, face to face.  He looks directly at me, I look directly at Him.  But He doesn't just look at me, He SEES me.  His eyes penetrate to my heart.  I don't even need to speak my questions at this time.  He just begins pouring into my heart answers, or peace where I am unsure.  And our moment lasts a lifetime, even though it's only a few minutes of intimacy with Him.  The entire day, I sense His presence I long for.  He walks beside me.   Hyper, tired, questioning - the strength of His presence keeps me my heart stilled like calm waters.  He's there, speaking, "Krinda..."  Calling me to a constant state of rest in Him.

He's calling you.  Like the whisper of a lover, He longs that you simply spend time WITH HIM.  Speaking, but also listening.  Let Him be a PART of your quiet time with Him.  It's not about how much you read, or how long you pray, it's about you truly stopping, resting, being silent, and just BEING IN HIS PRESENCE.

This is your moment with Jesus...
He's waiting on the side as you read these words.
Now, STOP.
Be in His intimate presence....

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