Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fright’s Flight vs. Faith’s Fight

We have two pathways diverging before us: the Way of Faith, or the Way of Fear. The way of fear seems safe and comfortable; there are not as many blind corners or roots bulging from the packed earth, while the path of faith appears uncertain. As we gaze down the Way of Faith, the immediate bend obscures the direction which the trail will take us. The vegetation along the bumpy way seems to reach out in a threat to engulf the passerby - too few take this way, so the path is overgrown. HOWEVER, though the Way of Fear is comfortable, I must pull out the map for you and point to where it leads. At the end of this path, a swamp awaits. The swamp sucks you in and mud will stop your eyes, ears, and eventually plug up your heart, completely immobilizing any further progress. This swamp is the end result of journeying through life along the way off all your fears and doubts: by entertaining the "what ifs" and not stepping towards trusting in God, our steps eventually take us to this point of immobility in which we can no longer decipher reality as God defines it. Now, let's examine the Way of Faith. Certainly it appears scary because it's always new and uncertain; it requires that we give up preconceived notions and TRUST. However, around each uncertain bend awaits beautiful meadows, stunning waterfalls. Sometimes, on the Way of Faith, we have to climb high, or run hard, but when we reach the end we come into an open field. This field is a place full of color and LIFE, where we feel our heart expand and our vision stretch beyond the mountains and seas, straight towards heaven.

Now that I've painted a picture of the two pathways before us as a church, the question is, Which one will we take? God has been pressing on my heart to no longer live by fear, which constantly keeps me fleeing from the swampy "trap" of feeling helpless and immobile before the pains of life. He has challenged me to rise up in faith and defy what I see with my eyes. As I continue to believe and fight for what I KNOW is right, I begin to feel the forces of our enemy fleeing in fear. The Way of Faith is not easy, because, certainly, the enemy does fight back, but before the power of the Holy Spirit, they must eventually bow and back away. We do not need to go by what is seen - for at times it will look like the enemy is winning - but what is unseen. "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinth. 4:18). I plead with every member of the church to no longer flee because of fear or back down because what we see does not look comfortable or encouraging. Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to stir your heart for His cause and declare FAITH'S FIGHT today...

Poem: Fright’s Flight vs. Faith’s Fight
We are a people scared.
Running from the faith we once dared.

Scared to lay on hands,
scared to dream and hope –
What if we don’t see a miracle account?
We fear that we won’t – don’t – amount.
This fright that we aren’t enough,
that we won’t make a difference,
spurs on our sprint from the many needs,
thinking, Not me, someone else will do these deeds.
We are a people letting our hearts callous:
shutting out pain all around,
plugging ears from the children’s anguished sound.
Reasoning, There’s too much – sex, slavery, sin –
we can’t possibly change this world’s battle course.
We fear God’s power won’t manifest in the fight
So we simply continue on this fright flight.
And yet, deep down in our depths we’re stirred.
Like the unsettled waters before a storm emerges,
our souls ripple with the Spirit’s voice
calling forth faith in us to make a choice,
to stop this running and stand;
to rise up and be an army in this land.
The Spirit ask: "Will you trust me?
Hope? Pray? Obey? Love?"
In a world where love has gone cold,
He rouses us to merge our hearts with His Cause, so bold.
So we must fight
We must sing
For hopes to rise high
And dreams to live, not die.

As we imagine greater things,
letting God’s infinite love take control…
We must become a people brave –
confident in the One who has the power to heal and save.
We the church must choose to battle with faith not fear,
turning the tide to send the enemy now on fright’s flight, for the end is near.

Written By: Krinda Joy, September 4th, 2010
©Krinda Carlson

1 comment:

  1. Krinda! You are a beautiful writer! I am excited you have a blog!
