Q. Does Krinda Joy err more on the side of being impossibly corny or insanely crazy?
(A). Impossibly Corny
(B). Insanely Crazy
Please announce your vote, and may the truth be known once and for all. Wait! You may first want to read the rest of this piece before proceeding, for it may influence your decision.
So, I’ve always leaned more towards the fact that I am impossibly corny, since my sense of humor is random. However, lately I think I’ve progressed into craziness. You see, I’ve gone crazy in the fact that I am choosing to laugh at adversity and view things in a way that defies logic, sort of like the Mad-Hatter in the most recent Alice in Wonderland (haha, have you seen it?). The Hatter seems at first to be utterly, well, mad, but later we discover that his insanity really masks his sane purpose for re-establishing TRUTH and the order of what’s RIGHT in Wonderland. Lately, God’s been making me laugh a lot at difficulties and “impossibilities.” I’m sure some people think I’ve gone batty – especially when they see me running alongside the road laughing to myself and muttering (AKA praying) out loud. But, in reality, I feel like this insane behavior is causing me to view the world in-the-most-sane view I’ve yet maintained.
• Insane: breaks into “in sane,” as being in a sane mindset
• Insanity: splits into “in sanity”; to be in full sanity
And, finally, my favorite…
• Impossible: stands for “I’m possible,” because anything that seems impossible is possible with God!
As silly as this seems, there’s a profound truth in God’s little phonics lesson to me. As a Christian, we are called to be set apart. What the world may call insane or insanity is really us living out the TRUTH and RIGHT order of things in our world, as God intended. In John 1, God tells us that Jesus Christ is the light that shines in this world of darkness, but that the dark world has not understood Him or His purposes. And, we are called to be the same: “But you are a chosen people…a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).” If we are called to be in His light, then we can also assume that we will not be understood! When I choose to say no to sex outside of marriage or to wake up early on a Sunday morning to go to two church services, the world may call me insane, but by Jesus’ standard I’m living in true sanity.
Now, for my new favorite word: impossible! Like God showed me, as someone living by the standards of Christ this word should mean “I’m possible,” or “I AM possible.” Who’s possible, you ask? Check it out, Matthew 19:26 clarifies this – “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Anytime we are faced with an obstacle or task that seems totally impossible, we can know that YES, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Ha, now you are officially thinking I have turned into the Mad-Hatter because I’m spouting contradictions, but let me finish. It IS impossible, but the thing is that God declares I AM the very definition of POSSIBLE. Nothing to Him is too crazy to do, and there is no circumstance that remains too hard to overcome in His power. After all, Jesus declares Himself to be the “I am” (John 8:58). To understand what this encompasses, we have to go back to the original origin found in Exodus 3:14, in which God declares “I AM WHO I AM,” expressing His infinite, dependable and faithful character as the one who is and can do all things! If we serve the I AM who makes all things possible, then the impossible really just acts as a reason to turn to our “I’m possible,” and declare in complete sanity that if God wills it, IT WILL COME TO PASS.
I’ve shown you a new perspective on these words, and so I shall also tell you my vote for the initial question. I think I’m both (A) and (B): sure I’m-possibly-corny and in-a-sanely-crazy mindset. After all, to truly serve God’s requires that I become both, because like the Mad-Hatter’s riddle – “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” – sometimes we won’t have the answer or any idea of the outcome, all we have is the words God gives us and we must repeat them and declare them. Now, return to the above question and replace my name with your own…are you more impossibly corny or insanely crazy, or both? Will you enter the world of “I’m possible” and viewing the world “in-a-sane” way? The world will call what we claim possible in Jesus impossible, and will label us as insane, but we know the true meaning of these words according to The Word...
©Krinda Joy
Awesome! Well written!