Friday, September 24, 2010

A Season of the Spirit

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land.”  
~ Isaiah 43:18-9

I’ve been in Hawaii less than two weeks, yet it’s amazing how quickly God assimilates those following where He guides into the new season or place He brings them to.  As I was reading my Bible a few mornings ago, God began affirming to me – through the above scriptures – the things He’s laid on my heart since attending the church here, Grace Bible Church.  Although the following words specifically fall in line with the direction God seems to be leading Grace Bible Church, I believe these words also apply to the Church in America as a whole.  It’s time we step into new seasons ready and willing to leave former things behind, instead of grasping to every last remnant of the old season.

Friday night, September 17th, at Youth Night I watched the young adults worship their Creator and wept.  It brought joy to my heart to see that sincere desire to please the heart of God; as we sung about chains being broken and coming before the throne of God, a sudden picture came into my head…
            A young adult knelt at the foot of the throne of God, their chains lying in front of them in a pool of blood – their own blood.  The young person held their bloodied hands up over their face as the individual wept…
            God impressed upon me that this was a picture of the stage many young people are getting stuck in.  For, when we come to Him with our junk, He breaks the chains off…they are gone.  Yet, this individual in the above picture chose to sit at the Throne of Grace still near those chains, dwelling there, in their own blood and condemnation.  The young person was continually shedding their own blood as a way of trying to make penance for past things which God has broken from their life.  The blood (penance and sacrifices) from our veins will not amount to His blood, which He wants to pour out to not only break away the chains, but wash them away as well.  There comes a point when we must implement the first part of the above verses from Isaiah and release theses chains – not dwelling on the past sins, but allowing the chains to be cast AWAY (note: this does not excuse us from bringing current sins/chains to God and letting Him take those away).  I challenge you, if you have been stuck on the former things and dwelling on the past, don’t keep those chains near you anymore and continue dragging them around into the presence of God.  If you truly have repented, then you are to let God replace the old with the new.    God is saying, “Child, it is time to come before my throne praising!  Not with a heart of the condemned, but one redeemed!”  Have you been redeemed?  Then come to the throne with that heart and don’t cover your face in shame, but lift your hands in rejoicing!

Now, another aspect of not dwelling in the past involves new seasons.  At Grace Bible Church’s young adults’ service on Sunday, we were praying before worship and one of our prayer focuses was “New Seasons.”  God impressed upon me to realize that God is doing new things now in His church.  Just like with the youth’s chains, God was pressing on my heart to intercede that we do not dwell on old hang-ups, past failures, nor past miracles/movements.  Instead, we are to SEE He is doing a new thing.  Not just look, but see because that involves spiritual eyes; for Isaiah 42:18 declares, “look you blind, see!”  Anyone can look, but eyes must be opened and perceptive to the new things God is doing to truly see.  Bobbie Houston, of Hillsong Church, has this to say about seasons in her book I’ll Have What She’s Having:

New seasons may merge gently into your experience, or they may arrive abruptly on your doorstep.  The key is in recognizing the season and having the capacity to allow each season its purpose.  Therefore, do not camp longer than you are supposed to, do not resent one season over another, do not confuse seasons, and definitely do not try to skip a season…”

A new season is coming to the Church of America – one of awareness and action.  Can you smell it, because I have at Grace Bible Church.  And, God is warning that if we do not pay attention, the new season will sneak up on us and we will miss the glory of the process, or perhaps begrudge not having what was in the former season.  Don’t miss the buds of newness which God is springing up in your life, and the church around you.

Finally, the last verse scripted above applies to the message spoken at Grace Bible Church that very same Sunday night.  Pastor articulated that often we go through times in the desert, and that, “on the path towards destiny, sometimes God will lead us through the desert.”  As this sermon reminded us, these times are times of learning and teaching.  Verse 19 of Isaiah also reminds us of this, and furthers the message in saying that these spots of God teaching and guiding us can actually cause the journey through the desert to be refreshing.  For, there are streams in the dry land where God provides for us.  This does not mean everything turns wonderful – we still must endure the heat and dryness all around – but our SOULS do not have to grow dry.  The Holy Spirit is the Living Water – which is something my brother Nathan has been speaking to me about.  And, if we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, this Living Water lives inside of us!  No matter where life takes us, even to the great spiritual-Sahara-desert, our stream and source of refreshment is there.  We can continually sip from it!  That time in the desert does not have to drain, but can be a time when learn to fully depend on the Holy Spirit for our source of fulfillment and LIFE!
In short, God says to Grace Bible and the rest of His church:

“For I will pour out water on the thirsty land,
And streams on the dry ground; I will
Pour out my Spirit…” Isaiah 44:3

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome! Such a great exhortation for the Church!
